Let me start by clarifying something….although Brandon and I have not discussed it yet, I’m pretty sure that if we are successful in having a baby we will not be naming it Chase. I have come to realize that several people have misinterpreted my blog title. Cathy's Baby Chase is referring to our “quest” for a baby. Although, given the cost of this “quest”, Chase might not be a bad idea. Chase Citibank Sanspree does have an interesting ring to it. We may have to reconsider…
Sunday night I hit the next phase of the process. I’m now shooting up 2 times a day….Lupron in the morning and now FSH at night. FSH is the follicle stimulating hormone (not to be mistaken for Rogaine) whose purpose is to…you guessed it…stimulate the follicles in my ovaries. It’s amazing how much I can actually feel this drug working. Within an hour of taking the second shot I could almost feel my ovaries stimulating…well, maybe it was just gas, but humor me please. I like to think that we’re making progress. Thankfully the FSH doesn’t have the same effect as the Lupron did. At least with this drug, my personality isn’t going to split any more than it already has! The injections have become a normal part of the day. When I started I was so careful to make sure I followed proper procedure and make everything as sterile as possible. Wash hands before starting process. Use separate alcohol swaps for cleaning the vial and prepping the injection site. Use sterile gauze pads to apply pressure to the site after injection. Well, now my process is much more lax. The other day, I dropped the alcohol wipe on the floor, picked it up and dusted off the cat hair before using it to “sterilize” the injection site. Then after the shot I applied pressure with my used dinner napkin. Don’t worry, I don’t have plans to pursue any career in the medical field. I’m relatively sure that my lessened protocol won’t result in our child being born with gills…..hopefully not.
Today we went to Nashville for our first set of tests since starting the FSH injections. I had an ultrasound and blood work done. Like previous visits, I had built this appointment up in my head and was sure it was going to be the MOST informative visit so far. Once again, I WAS WRONG. We were there less than 30 minutes and only had about 10 words spoken to us…but they were very friendly 10 words. The ultrasound tech came into the room and asked Brandon to right down what she calls out. This was troubling to me since Brandon’s handwriting is like that of a 6 year old serial killer surgeon (another mental note for baby names…Doogie Bundy Sanspree). I was afraid that whatever numbers she had him write down would later be mistaken for GPS coordinates for the nearest Best Buy. But she seemed sure that his writing would be fine. When she was done with the ultrasound, she said that we were done for the day and she’ll see us on Friday. My head was screaming “Wait a minute lady. I just let you violate me with an obscenely long object and you aren’t going to even tell me what you saw??” But instead of listening to my “voices”, I politely asked if everything was good, bad, anything she could tell us? She very promptly reminded me that I must have forgotten that we were told at the Fertility Class that the ultrasound techs would not be able to tell me anything. The doctor would have to review it and I should check my voice mail box this afternoon. Remembering to smile, I said I must have forgotten that. Thanks for reminding me and I promise I won’t ask again on Friday. And with that, we were done and I left disappointed about the lack of info at the appointment and really wanting to "use my words" with that ultrasound tech.
I checked my voice mail 3 LONG hours later and got the results. The IVF nurse said that my estradiol level was 326 and I was to continue with 5 units of Lupron in the morning and 225 units of FSH in the evening. She wished me a nice evening and said sweetly that she’d see us on Friday morning. Again, WTF???? That’s it????? I have no f#@$ing idea was it means that my estradiol level is 326. For all I know that could mean that we’re going to give birth to a little blue thing with white footed pants, a hat and answers to Papa Smurf.
OK, OK…I realize that I probably need to be talked off a ledge at this point and that I’m letting stress get the better of me. So I decided to email the IVF nurse to find more out. Here’s how it went:
Thanks for my voicemail and test results. I have to admit that I feel a little in the dark about the results since this is my first IVF cycle. You said my estradiol level was 326. Is that a good range for day 4 of stimulation? I can only assume (and hope) that by keeping my medication at the same level that means that all is proceeding as expected and planned…..but I was just wondering if that was the case.
Sorry to bother you as I’m sure MANY women are just as stressed as I am and are asking constant questions!
First off, don’t apologize for asking questions-that is why I am here! Anytime you have questions, ask me. IVF is too stressful to have unanswered questions on top of everything else. There is really no set estradiol level we look for as you go through IVF, we just want to see it continue to rise throughout the cycle, letting us know that your body is responding to the medication. With that being said, your estradiol level this morning is a good level for day 4-not too low and not too high! Keeping your medications the same is a good sign and does mean things are progressing as planned. Let me know if you have any more questions-please do not hesitate to ask!!
Have a great day and see you Friday,
Well, her response makes me feel better…for now. She was too sweet for me to keep being pissed off....the bitch. Tomorrow’s another day and another opportunity for me to think irrationally and fly off the handle at the drop of a hat….it’s good times at the Sansprees.
More to come…
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
March (Menopause) Madness
Last time I updated, I had proudly conquered the injection demon. So now we’re 11 days into “shooting up” and I’m pretty sure I’m ready to compete in an injection Olympic event. I will say that my adrenaline was sky high for that first injection and since then they do sting a little more. But nonetheless, I persevere through the pain. As I explained before, the medicine that I’m taking is Lupron. Its purpose is to suppress my estrodiol (estrogen) level thus preventing me from ovulating (before planned). Some time ago I was warned about certain side effects of this drug and I joked about me probably having EVERY one. But I didn’t really think that would happen because I’m not usually a “side effect” prone person with most other medications. I WAS WRONG! The key point about this drug that I seemed to overlook is that it is basically putting your body into a chemically induced menopause. So I officially feel like age 36 is the new age 55! Days 4-7 were probably the worst days for the hot flashes…thankfully those seemed to have subsided. Depression set in around the same time and hit me like a ton of bricks. What’s been the worst so far is my irritability. I have found myself not able to control my temper AT ALL…then feel guilty for flying off the handle immediately after…which in turn kicks the depression back in…..VICIOUS cycle. I’m also tired and restless at the same time. If I sit down, all I want to do is get up and do something. Then the minute I’m up, I get tired and want to sit back down again. NOTHING makes me happy or satisfies (or pacifies) me for very long and I won’t even get started on the amount of food I’ve consumed lately. All I can say is, Thank God Brandon loves me…he must to be able to put up with me right now.
Today we had our first appointment at the clinic since we started this cycle over 3 weeks ago. They call it a “suppression check” because that’s the main point of the visit…to make sure that the Lupron is working to suppress my estrogen appropriately. I’ve been waiting for this appointment for weeks now and had built it up tremendously in my hormone riddled mind. I was sure that I’d find out SO MUCH today and feel like we were really getting into the process…..but I feel a little disappointed by it….but I know it’s my own fault. They did blood work and then an ultrasound to make sure I don’t have any cysts…check. Then they did a complete physical and apparently I’m in good health…..check. Lastly, they performed a trial “transfer”. A transfer is what they call it when they put any embryos back into my uterus. It’s the last step of the process and will happen in about 2 ½ weeks. Today they were just checking my anatomy by threading the catheter into my uterus…practice makes perfect. That was it….not sure what I was expecting but it was definitely more than that…..again, nothing satisfies me.
What’s next? Since the blood work indicated that the medication, Lucifer, er, I mean Lupron is working and that I’m appropriately “suppressed”, I will continue with those shots daily but at a lesser dose. Then on Sunday (3/28) I will start taking the next injected medication called Follistim. That is a Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) that will stimulate the ovaries to start maturing the follicles. I’m not going to Google the side effects of this one…don’t want to put any ideas into my head! My next appointments will not be until Wednesday 3/31 and Friday 4/2. Those appointments will be to check blood work and have an ultrasound. They will be checking how well my ovaries react to the FSH. Everything after that will be up in the air and dependent on how those appointments go.
Sorry if this email is really whiny….it’s my current state of mind. And thanks to those at work who see me daily and are subjected to my constant talking about this whole process. It is ALL consuming….physically, mentally and emotionally. I don’t know how to NOT think about it…hopefully these next few weeks go by quicker than the last few.
NOTE: always remember, even when my tone seems really negative about the process, I would not be doing this if I didn’t think it at least has a shot at working. Being outwardly optimistic is easier said than done…I’m a work in progress.
More to come….
Today we had our first appointment at the clinic since we started this cycle over 3 weeks ago. They call it a “suppression check” because that’s the main point of the visit…to make sure that the Lupron is working to suppress my estrogen appropriately. I’ve been waiting for this appointment for weeks now and had built it up tremendously in my hormone riddled mind. I was sure that I’d find out SO MUCH today and feel like we were really getting into the process…..but I feel a little disappointed by it….but I know it’s my own fault. They did blood work and then an ultrasound to make sure I don’t have any cysts…check. Then they did a complete physical and apparently I’m in good health…..check. Lastly, they performed a trial “transfer”. A transfer is what they call it when they put any embryos back into my uterus. It’s the last step of the process and will happen in about 2 ½ weeks. Today they were just checking my anatomy by threading the catheter into my uterus…practice makes perfect. That was it….not sure what I was expecting but it was definitely more than that…..again, nothing satisfies me.
What’s next? Since the blood work indicated that the medication, Lucifer, er, I mean Lupron is working and that I’m appropriately “suppressed”, I will continue with those shots daily but at a lesser dose. Then on Sunday (3/28) I will start taking the next injected medication called Follistim. That is a Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) that will stimulate the ovaries to start maturing the follicles. I’m not going to Google the side effects of this one…don’t want to put any ideas into my head! My next appointments will not be until Wednesday 3/31 and Friday 4/2. Those appointments will be to check blood work and have an ultrasound. They will be checking how well my ovaries react to the FSH. Everything after that will be up in the air and dependent on how those appointments go.
Sorry if this email is really whiny….it’s my current state of mind. And thanks to those at work who see me daily and are subjected to my constant talking about this whole process. It is ALL consuming….physically, mentally and emotionally. I don’t know how to NOT think about it…hopefully these next few weeks go by quicker than the last few.
NOTE: always remember, even when my tone seems really negative about the process, I would not be doing this if I didn’t think it at least has a shot at working. Being outwardly optimistic is easier said than done…I’m a work in progress.
More to come….
Friday, March 12, 2010
A shot in the dark
This post is a little long as I wrote it over the course of a couple of days this week.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Well, we’re 2 weeks into the IVF cycle and so far all I’ve had to do is take a few oral medications and avoid alcohol and caffeine. Nothing really major…just a lot of waiting (and craving a large sweet tea from McDonald’s). But one of the things I’ve been dreading is finally upon me…injections. Back in January when we were at the IVF class, they taught us how to do the injections. I didn’t pay much attention because Brandon has been adamant that his contribution to all this (aside from his “boys”) will be giving me the injections…and it didn’t bother me any to say OK. But as luck would have it, he is out of town this week and won’t be here for my first injection. Yeah Me! So it’s all up to me.
Now I realize that most of you are probably thinking “You work in a medical facility, have them do it.” And that is actually an option and if my nerves get the better of me…I’ll head to work and have an RN help me. But I’m a big girl and I SHOULD be able to do this….but, damn, I’m nervous. The clinic’s website has a great instructional video demonstrating how to draw the medicine and give the shot. I know this because I’ve watched it this week more times than a 13 year old girl has seen the movie Twilight. Unfortunately, Lupron (the med) in NOT my Edward. I keep hoping that if I sit the vial on my belly that osmosis will take over and perform the Immaculate Injection. I know, it’s doubtful…. Mary was one lucky girl.
Someone who has been through IVF told me that once you get to the shot stage of the cycle, you’ll at least feel like you have some control over the process again. I hope she’s right. I feel like this is progressing at a snail’s pace. I’ll probably be regretting saying that in a couple of weeks when it starts to get crazy, but right now minutes seem like hours and days like weeks. But I have had a funny moment this week. One of the doctors at work is just finishing an IVF cycle. He and his wife have been very sweet with advice as this is the second time for them (and they were successful on their first try!). They have also been incredibly generous by passing on any extra meds that they had and saved me a little money. The other day I returned from lunch to find a gift bag on my desk with a note from the physician saying they had these leftovers and thought I might be able to use them. I sent them a thank note for my “gift” and let them know that nothing makes a girl feel more special than a bag full of syringes! I still can’t believe I have a “sharps” container in my house…
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I’m still obsessing over this first shot. I’ve watched the instructional video again tonight…ok, 5 times tonight. I’ve worked this thing up so much in my mind you’d think I was going to be performing my own abdominal surgery in the morning! It’s probably best that Brandon’s not here for this, my anxiety is making me pretty postal. It didn’t help matters any that when I called him tonight (since I hadn’t talked to him in over 24 hours) that he said, “Whatcha need?”. Seriously?? Oh, I don’t know, I figured you just MIGHT want to talk to your wife but if I’m interrupting…by all means I’ll leave you alone! Yep, I’m postal alright. Another bad thing is that I Googled “side effects of Lupron” tonight. FYI – Google is the devil…I NEVER should have done that. I’m now pretty sure that I will have EVERY side effect (such as moodiness, constipation, hot flashes, insomnia, dizziness, etc) within minutes of the first shot. Wonder if I’ll sleep any tonight…I’m ready to get this behind me.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The morning of truth! Slept surprisingly fine and got over my irritation with Brandon (lucky him). Got everything laid out and ready for surgery. Here’s how it went:
-Watched the
video 2 more times…just to make sure that I didn’t miss anything from the 33 previous viewings.
-Wiped off the vial with alcohol swab.
-Feeling a bit OCD, decided to wipe off with another alcohol swab….just in case.
-Removed syringe from the wrapper and knocked sharps container off the counter in the process…scaring the shit out of the cats.
-Giggled a little bit and broke the tension.
-Inserted the syringe into the vial and drew up the appropriate amount.
-Laid the syringe on the counter and once again hoped for the Immaculate Injection…..but no such luck.
-Dialed the numbers 9 1 1 on my cell phone in case I feel faint and laid it on the counter.
-Searched for an acceptable spot to be the pin cushion on my belly.
-Cleaned the selected area with alcohol swab…ok, with 2.
-Counted to 10…..then 20…..then 50…..then JAB!
-Wondered what all the fuss was about…I’ve had mosquito bites worse than that.
I feel so accomplished! I truly believe that I handled that syringe with such expertise and finesse. I’m ready for my heroin addiction now.
Note: I'll be on these shots until my next appointment on March 22nd.
More later...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Well, we’re 2 weeks into the IVF cycle and so far all I’ve had to do is take a few oral medications and avoid alcohol and caffeine. Nothing really major…just a lot of waiting (and craving a large sweet tea from McDonald’s). But one of the things I’ve been dreading is finally upon me…injections. Back in January when we were at the IVF class, they taught us how to do the injections. I didn’t pay much attention because Brandon has been adamant that his contribution to all this (aside from his “boys”) will be giving me the injections…and it didn’t bother me any to say OK. But as luck would have it, he is out of town this week and won’t be here for my first injection. Yeah Me! So it’s all up to me.
Now I realize that most of you are probably thinking “You work in a medical facility, have them do it.” And that is actually an option and if my nerves get the better of me…I’ll head to work and have an RN help me. But I’m a big girl and I SHOULD be able to do this….but, damn, I’m nervous. The clinic’s website has a great instructional video demonstrating how to draw the medicine and give the shot. I know this because I’ve watched it this week more times than a 13 year old girl has seen the movie Twilight. Unfortunately, Lupron (the med) in NOT my Edward. I keep hoping that if I sit the vial on my belly that osmosis will take over and perform the Immaculate Injection. I know, it’s doubtful…. Mary was one lucky girl.
Someone who has been through IVF told me that once you get to the shot stage of the cycle, you’ll at least feel like you have some control over the process again. I hope she’s right. I feel like this is progressing at a snail’s pace. I’ll probably be regretting saying that in a couple of weeks when it starts to get crazy, but right now minutes seem like hours and days like weeks. But I have had a funny moment this week. One of the doctors at work is just finishing an IVF cycle. He and his wife have been very sweet with advice as this is the second time for them (and they were successful on their first try!). They have also been incredibly generous by passing on any extra meds that they had and saved me a little money. The other day I returned from lunch to find a gift bag on my desk with a note from the physician saying they had these leftovers and thought I might be able to use them. I sent them a thank note for my “gift” and let them know that nothing makes a girl feel more special than a bag full of syringes! I still can’t believe I have a “sharps” container in my house…
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I’m still obsessing over this first shot. I’ve watched the instructional video again tonight…ok, 5 times tonight. I’ve worked this thing up so much in my mind you’d think I was going to be performing my own abdominal surgery in the morning! It’s probably best that Brandon’s not here for this, my anxiety is making me pretty postal. It didn’t help matters any that when I called him tonight (since I hadn’t talked to him in over 24 hours) that he said, “Whatcha need?”. Seriously?? Oh, I don’t know, I figured you just MIGHT want to talk to your wife but if I’m interrupting…by all means I’ll leave you alone! Yep, I’m postal alright. Another bad thing is that I Googled “side effects of Lupron” tonight. FYI – Google is the devil…I NEVER should have done that. I’m now pretty sure that I will have EVERY side effect (such as moodiness, constipation, hot flashes, insomnia, dizziness, etc) within minutes of the first shot. Wonder if I’ll sleep any tonight…I’m ready to get this behind me.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The morning of truth! Slept surprisingly fine and got over my irritation with Brandon (lucky him). Got everything laid out and ready for surgery. Here’s how it went:
-Watched the
-Wiped off the vial with alcohol swab.
-Feeling a bit OCD, decided to wipe off with another alcohol swab….just in case.
-Removed syringe from the wrapper and knocked sharps container off the counter in the process…scaring the shit out of the cats.
-Giggled a little bit and broke the tension.
-Inserted the syringe into the vial and drew up the appropriate amount.
-Laid the syringe on the counter and once again hoped for the Immaculate Injection…..but no such luck.
-Dialed the numbers 9 1 1 on my cell phone in case I feel faint and laid it on the counter.
-Searched for an acceptable spot to be the pin cushion on my belly.
-Cleaned the selected area with alcohol swab…ok, with 2.
-Counted to 10…..then 20…..then 50…..then JAB!
-Wondered what all the fuss was about…I’ve had mosquito bites worse than that.
I feel so accomplished! I truly believe that I handled that syringe with such expertise and finesse. I’m ready for my heroin addiction now.
Note: I'll be on these shots until my next appointment on March 22nd.
More later...
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