No, I'm not referring to my current postal nature or my husband's extensive arsenal. The time has finally come for me to "trigger" ovulation.
So we went to Nashville this morning for our 3rd (and final) ultrasound prior to the all important event of egg retrieval. My estrogen level has climbed to an all time high of 2752 and I had quite a few follicles that seemed pretty big to me. I mean 20 x 21 seems like beach ball size to me...and feels like it too! I'm at an uncomfortable level with my ovaries right now and I've never been more acutely aware of those 2 little organs in my entire life.
While we were waiting on the ultrasound tech, I looked over at Brandon in the corner of the room. He was contently playing a game on his iPhone. But I noticed that the phone didn't have the Juice Pack attached (it's a cover that has an additional battery in it), so I asked where it was. He said that he intentionally left it off so he wouldn't have as much battery life on the phone. What he meant was, so he wouldn't be able to play the game as much....thus being more attentive to the appointment details. Typical boy logic and I guess I should appreciate his contribution to the process. Thanks for your support, honey. Your sacrifice is duly noted.
So all is well and tonight at exactly 9:45 p.m. Central Daylight Time I will be injecting my "trigger" shot. This shot will cause my body to ovulate in about 36 hours. So we will be doing the egg retrieval 35 hours after the shot...Wednesday morning at 8:45 a.m. It's amazing how precise this process needs to be. We go tomorrow (Tuesday) morning for one final blood drawl and to go over pre- and post-op information. I'm done with Lupron! Yeah! I'm done with FSH! Yeah!
All sounds good and easy, huh?
Well, then one of my personalities screamed "Release the Kraken!"
This is my one and only Clash of the Titans reference, but describes my state of mind PERFECTLY right now!
So after I tell Brandon about the voice mail info and continued plan, the following conversation ensued:
Brandon: Should we get a hotel and stay in Nashville Tuesday night?
Me: Why would we need to do that? (getting a little nervous now)
Brandon: This is such a time sensitive procedure, we don't want to run the risk of being late and you know how bad the traffic can be.
Me: You really think it's necessary? I mean, I really hadn't thought about it. (personality is about to split)
Brandon: I just want to do whatever is the least stressful for you. So whatever you want to do.
Me: Shit, I mean I REALLY hadn't even considered being late until JUST now. Thanks for trying to relieve the stress!!!
So, after a 911 call to my parents to talk me off the ledge and because I've lost all ability to make decisions for myself, we're staying in Nashville tomorrow night. No need to tempt fate....and to quote Brandon, "What's another $200 when we've already spent $18,000." Good point.
Who knows, maybe I'll calm down a little tomorrow night (insert laugh here).

I'm off to pack, wish us luck!
More to come...
While we were waiting on the ultrasound tech, I looked over at Brandon in the corner of the room. He was contently playing a game on his iPhone. But I noticed that the phone didn't have the Juice Pack attached (it's a cover that has an additional battery in it), so I asked where it was. He said that he intentionally left it off so he wouldn't have as much battery life on the phone. What he meant was, so he wouldn't be able to play the game as much....thus being more attentive to the appointment details. Typical boy logic and I guess I should appreciate his contribution to the process. Thanks for your support, honey. Your sacrifice is duly noted.
So all is well and tonight at exactly 9:45 p.m. Central Daylight Time I will be injecting my "trigger" shot. This shot will cause my body to ovulate in about 36 hours. So we will be doing the egg retrieval 35 hours after the shot...Wednesday morning at 8:45 a.m. It's amazing how precise this process needs to be. We go tomorrow (Tuesday) morning for one final blood drawl and to go over pre- and post-op information. I'm done with Lupron! Yeah! I'm done with FSH! Yeah!
All sounds good and easy, huh?
Well, then one of my personalities screamed "Release the Kraken!"
This is my one and only Clash of the Titans reference, but describes my state of mind PERFECTLY right now!
So after I tell Brandon about the voice mail info and continued plan, the following conversation ensued:
Brandon: Should we get a hotel and stay in Nashville Tuesday night?
Me: Why would we need to do that? (getting a little nervous now)
Brandon: This is such a time sensitive procedure, we don't want to run the risk of being late and you know how bad the traffic can be.
Me: You really think it's necessary? I mean, I really hadn't thought about it. (personality is about to split)
Brandon: I just want to do whatever is the least stressful for you. So whatever you want to do.
Me: Shit, I mean I REALLY hadn't even considered being late until JUST now. Thanks for trying to relieve the stress!!!
So, after a 911 call to my parents to talk me off the ledge and because I've lost all ability to make decisions for myself, we're staying in Nashville tomorrow night. No need to tempt fate....and to quote Brandon, "What's another $200 when we've already spent $18,000." Good point.
Who knows, maybe I'll calm down a little tomorrow night (insert laugh here).
I'm off to pack, wish us luck!
More to come...
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